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Robbery and Exploitation

Don't accept anything that does not belong to you, or was not intended for you, or that you are not entitled to.

Don’t take anything from other unless full permission has been granted.

Don't keep any money that does not belong to you. Pay/return it back without delay, so that you don’t forget or lose it.

Inventions or developments created by men are their sole property. Do not use their property without their permission or in violation of the law.

Don’t make use of, or benefit from, assets that don't belong to you without the owner's knowledge and consent.

Never take anything that does not belong to you without intending to return it.  Prolonging the return of any asset beyond the period agreed upon is the same as stealing or robbing.

Be very mindful when using money you loaned from others. Don’t use it rashly or recklessly or in a way that might endanger your ability to return the loan on time.

Never trespasses the property of others, whether it's by force or not.


Site by DIGIT

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