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Parents and Young Adults


Devotion to, and love for children, is a built in mechanism in the human race, inherent in each parent. As such, this chapter may seem redundant. However, for the sake of covering all aspects of this subject, and for the sake of those seeking to examine their performance as parents, here are some primary points of guidance.

Parents are responsible for their children, and are accountable for their lives, health, education, and welfare.

Love and respect your children and do your best for them in every way.

Take care of all their needs to the best of your ability: provide them with food, lodging, clothes, as well as medical and educational care. If you are unable to provide your children with their basic needs, set your pride aside and do not hesitate to seek assistance from the relevant authorities or any other source.

As a parent you are responsible for your children's upbringing and education. Your children are helpless and need you. Don't abandon or desert them even if it requires sacrifices and hardship on your part.

Teach your children to become moral and truthful people. Teach them to be useful citizens who contribute to society.

Your children have their own personality which you must nurture. Learn how to accomplish this through the various available teaching programs.

Talk with you children and let them benefit from your wisdom and life experiences.

Don't strike your children.

Don't insult your children.

Don't shame your children in front of others.

Don't discriminate between your children - jealousy among siblings can injure their souls.

Show genuine interest in your children's desires and feelings and assist them in any appropriate way possible.

Provide your children with the best education you can.

Don't send your children to work in a job that would interfere with their studies.

Widen your children's horizon and allow them to choose a hobby that suits their natural capabilities and inclinations.

Enrich your children's life by acquainting them with the world at large, with nature, culture and the arts.

Respect your children's inclinations as they matures – as unconventional as they may seem – and don't abandon them because of these inclinations.

Parents and Young Adults
Respect your parents.

If your parents need help of any kind, assist them while maintaining their dignity.

If your parent's wellbeing should take a turn for the worse, arrange for proper and respectable nursing facilities.


Adoption is all about what's best for the children and not for the intended foster parents. Therefore, only the children's interest is the deciding factor when it comes to adoption.

Based of this understanding, adoption is a vital and blessed solution for biological parents who are unable to function in a way that will ensure the children's proper development, suitable for their environment and general surrounding conditions.

A child is not a commodity, therefore no trading or business transactions must be allowed in connection with adoption. Adoption should be free of any commercial consideration.

The welfare authorities should make every effort to find foster parents living in the same country as the child, although sending a child to foster parents who live in another country is acceptable as long as it is in the best interest of the child.

It is imperative to make sure that the child is adopted by a normative family, as presumably, the child was raised by parents who did not function normatively.


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