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For the sake of yourself and your loved ones – keep healthy, and abide by the rules of preventive medicine.

Be aware of your weaknesses and your shortcomings. Remember, it is possible to improve behavior and conduct, though it requires a lot of effort, Nurture and improve your personality and social manners in order to maximize your abilities and aspirations.

Do your utmost to fulfill your ambitions so that you assert your capabilities to the fullest.

Be particular about cleanliness and personal hygiene; make sure your dress is clean and proper.

Engage in a lot of sport activities. Remember – sound in mind means sound in body.

Avoid overeating and indulgence in excessive pleasures. Moderation is the key to healthy living.

Avoid addiction to drugs, alcohol and any substance that might impair your self control and ability to inhibit your behavior.

Always be happy and proud of your achievements. At the same time, don’t comprise your personal commitment to attain your goals, to fulfill your ambitions and to make the most of your capabilities.

Don't be greedy and don't engage in aggressive and unrestrained pursuit of wealth; at the same time you should always strive to improve your economic situation. Remember – greed can impair your discretion and drive your loved ones away.


Site by DIGIT

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