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Deception constitutes any action, including incompetence, to obtain wrongfully or illegally anything that could otherwise not be obtained, by the use of fraud, impersonation, or lying.

Don't be involved, either directly to indirectly, in anything which involves deception.

Forestall any acts of deception that is in your power.

Keep away from swindlers. Remember, you may be exposed as a partner to the deception and have your image tarnished, even if you had nothing to do with it.

Don’t alter documents illegally or in a way that will not truly reflect their meaning. Don’t create documents that are false or misleading. Don’t forge money or products.

Some deceptive acts may be regarded as less severe than others may be forgiven more leniently. Others are considered very severe. But all deceptions should be condemned and punished. An honest person should distance themselves from any deception, whether slight or severe.


Site by DIGIT

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