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Both sides to a conflict must realize that if they wish to achieve total defeat of their rivals, the other side may fight back harder, and may even change the outcome.

Therefore, and not unlike in war, don't close off all your opponent's escape routes. Leave them an option to retreat. Their retreat will be your victory and would ensure better results.

Even in the midst of a conflict when emotions run high, it's best to avoid total war and look for a solution that would prevent an all out war.

Every conflict, whether between countries or between people, has its own rules. The first rule is to avoid conflict in the first place.

Every quarrel or dispute can be solved peacefully and justly. It only requires courage and integrity from both sides, and the ability to act wisely without being too harsh.

If efforts to avoid conflicts are unsuccessful, then they should be dealt with using conventional methods and standards, avoiding "below-the-belt" strikes, or hurting innocent bystanders.


Site by DIGIT

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