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Public Servants

As a public servant you serve the public. Do your job honestly, faithfully, diligently and with dedication.

Remember; always give preference to what is good to the public.

Offer new and creative ideas and initiatives in order to accomplish your job more efficiently.

Serve the public in the best way you can.

Don’t treat the public in need of your service with arrogance and in a high-handed way.

Don’t be evasive and don’t put people off repeatedly.

Be respectful to public officials.

Achieve the goals set for you by your superiors as best as you can.

Don’t undermine the authority of your superiors and policymakers.

Voice your criticism in a dignified and focused way.

Protect public property and public money entrusted to you. Use them responsibly as if it were your own.

Use public resources fairly, distribute them equally, openly and reasonably, as they were meant to be.

Don’t reveal national secrets to unauthorized people, even to those close to you.

Be honest and maintain your integrity. Don’t accept personal gains, gifts, or bonuses from people who are aware of your status and power as a holder of public office. There are no free meals. These benefits are meant to sway you from the straight and narrow path and to give preference to their givers.


Site by DIGIT

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