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Worker's Safety
Social Benefits
Relationship at Work
The Employees Status

Respect your employees. Remember, they contribute to the success of your business. Always protect their rights.

Make sure to follow the labor laws at all times.

Make sure your employees have suitable working conditions.

Enable your employee's reasonable breaks for rest, food, and other personal needs.

Provide your employees with a pleasant, spacious, well-lit and air-conditioned working environment.

Worker's Safety

Protect your worker's safety. Make sure that safety measures are provided and maintained.

Don’t ask an employee to carry out a dangerous task.

Make sure your employees are insured adequately so that they will be compensated properly in case of accident or injury at work.


Pay fair and suitable salaries, enabling your employee and their dependents to live in dignity.

Pay equal salaries for equal work. Don’t discriminate between men and women.

Don’t hold back wages, pay salaries on time. Remember, the workers need their salaries for their livelihood.

Social Benefits

Make sure your employees receive full social benefits as provided by law.

Employees are entitled to vacation time. Enable them to take their vacations as provided by law or by agreements, and at their convenience if at all possible.

Give your employees their weekly days of rest.

Relationship at Work

Enable your employees to be proud of their profession, job, and their workplace.

Provide a pleasant atmosphere at work.

Don’t yell at your employees. If you need to admonish your employee, do so quietly and in private.

Don’t patronize your employees. Being their employer does not mean that you are smarter.

Allow your employees to voice criticism.

Protect your employee's dignity. Never humiliate them or tyrannize them.

Treat your employees with personal attention.

Protect your employee's privacy.

Don’t overburden your employees unnecessarily and certainly not for a long time. Be tolerant.

Prevent any sexual harassment of employees.

If an employee is ill, don’t press them to come to work before they are well.

Don’t prevent your employees from establishing worker's committees and cooperate with them as much as possible.

The Employees Status

Don’t ask your employees to do a job they are not capable of doing.

Don’t ask your employees to break the law.

Inform your employees about their chances for advancement.

Every employee has the right to advance in their job. Assist deserving employees to advance. Don’t be angry at or bear a grudge against an employee who decides to retire. Respect their wishes and wish them well.

Don’t ask your employees to exceed their regular working hours.

Enable your employees to have professional training and refresher courses.


Never forget that dismissal is a traumatic crisis for an employee. Always consider carefully before dismissing an employee.

Don’t dismiss an employee because of a onetime accident or slip-up. We are all apt to make mistakes.

Do your utmost to avoid dismissals.

If at all possible, offer an alternative job to the dismissed employee.

Give a reasonable advance notice to an employee you want to dismiss.

Enable the dismissed employee to say goodbye to their fellow workers.

Give the dismissed employee a letter of recommendations detailing only their good virtues and qualities. It's possible that they would mend their ways and do better at their future job.

Pay the dismissed employee whatever is owed them, including severance pay as dictated by law.














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