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Your employer is the one enabling you to provide for your family. Your employer's success ensures payment of your wages and enables you to provide for your family.

You are morally obliged to devote your full attention, time, capabilities and energy while at work, so that your employer receives the best value for the wages paid to you.

Do your work in the most efficient, reliable, and professional way possible.

Do your work diligently, faithfully, and with devotion.

Don't exploit your workplace or its equipment for your personal use.

Be honest. Avoid and prevent others from betraying the trust of your employer for the sake of forbidden personal gains and benefits.

When negotiating salaries, remember that your employer's loss of profit might eventually lead to the loss of your workplace.

The high pace of living and advanced new technologies require frequent changes to be made regarding our work. Enable your employer to make these changes and become part of them. This will ensure your advancement and continued livelihood.

Safety at work and the safe use of products are highly important values. Make sure you obey all safety regulations.

Stand up for your rights and the rights of other employees. Oppose any maltreatment, exploitation and humiliation by your employer against you or other employees.

Do your utmost to promote your workplace. Be proactive, "think big", and find ways to improve efficiency.

Respect your employer.

Maintain good relationships with your fellow workers.

Don’t be absent from work too frequently.

Report overtime, expenses, etc. accurately and honestly.

If you want to quit your job, inform your employer in advance.

Upon leaving, hand over your work and responsibilities in an orderly fashion.

Don’t reveal business secrets even after you leave your job for whatever reason.


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