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Your customers do not possess your professional knowledge and they expect you to be reliable. Give them the best service, reliability, and professionalism they deserve.

Remember, you owe your customers to be honest, reliable, and professional.

The price you ask for your services includes your profit. Don't make hidden profit that is unknown to your customers.

You are allowed to charge extra for availability, urgency and importance of the service you provide. Don’t inflate prices and don’t exploit your customers who need your services by overcharging. Be fair with your pricing.

Don’t sell a defective product and don’t give faulty service.

Don’t promise results you can't provide professionally.

If any risk is involved, make sure to make your customer aware of it.

Bring yourself up to date in your profession and enhance your professional knowledge.

Don’t undertake jobs that are beyond your abilities.

Reveal all information about your product or service; don’t hide any disadvantages.

Make your service available to the customer even after the sale or the service are rendered, and be as available to them as you were before the sale.

Don’t misuse any information given to you by the customer for your commercial purposes and don’t pass this information on without the customer's consent.


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