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Don’t manufacture a product by violating intellectual property rights.

Manufacture your products to be suited to their prospective usage so that the user receives a reliable and safe product that would give good value for the money paid.

Make sure to follow all safety regulations during the production process and make the product safe for the users.

Use the best components to create your product in order to produce  the top quality required.

If the product contains hazardous components, make sure that customer is aware of it by clear labeling and proper advertisement.

Don’t produce a faulty product that may endanger the user.

Don’t use dangerous substances when manufacturing the product.

Label the product clearly detailing all the components and listing all the limitations of the product.

Don’t pollute the environment.

Follow the law to the letter regarding the production process.

Price the product reasonably so that those who need it will be able to afford to purchase it. Keep your profit margin reasonable and justified.

Employ your workers according to labor regulation. If none are available, use the rules of justice and honesty.

Don’t employ people under slavery conditions. Don’t employ young children.

Don’t endanger your employee's life by exposing them to hazardous substances. Inform them if such substances are present in the workplace.


Site by DIGIT

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