Morals – an all-encompassing word – are what distinguish between good and what is evil, between what should be done and what must be avoided.
There are no legislators for human morals; they belong to all thinking persons. Morals have no regard for boundaries of space and time, of nationality or religion. In fact, morals are the common denominator of our very essence.
This Guidebook
In order to assist those who would walk the moral path, I have brought about this compilation, as a guidebook presenting, in one place, most of the human moral code.
This guidebook has nothing to do with matters of man and God, of divine rewards or retribution, of this world and the next. Enlightened persons do not need the incentive of a reward or the threat of punishment in order to act morally.
The moral codes in this guidebook have not been created by the author, but by mankind itself over thousand of years. The author has merely gathered, compiled and edited them, and listed them here in a logical order and in the proper context.
These moral codes are universal for all inhabitants of this earth, regardless of nationality, race, religion, gender or occupation.
This is not a closed or final list. You may - and are invited to do so - add or remove from them – any code any of you sees fit to add or remove.
This guidebook will be freely distributed via the internet throughout the world. It is the author’s hope that many others will join him in utilizing this guide to strengthen their adherence to the moral code. If so be it, we will all live in a better world; evil and injustice will diminish, and righteousness, truth and love of mankind will prevail.
The author does not seek any copyrights – on the contrary, the more this guide will be copied and forwarded, the better, and this will be his reward.