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Conduct in Public Areas

Protect public areas and keep them clean and in good order.

Don’t litter or pollute public areas. Leave a public place as it was before you got there.

Public areas are for the use of the public and no barriers or obstacles should be placed there to prevent others from using them. Appropriation of any part of a public area for private use is forbidden.

Conduct yourself in public areas in a fair and responsible manner. Public areas are the responsibilities of everyone, to be kept in good order. Any improper use of public areas is equivalent to stealing from others.

Every person should do the maximum to remove any obstacle or hazard endangering the public, by doing so personally, or by alerting the proper authorities. Until these hazards are removed, that person should warn passers by about the danger.

If you encounter a person in need, help them or call for help.

Don’t call attention to yourself; be humble in your conduct.

Don’t bother or harass passers by.

If you are in need of help, ask for it politely.

If you are asked to help others, do so humbly and quietly.


Site by DIGIT

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