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Protecting the Property of Others

Respect the property of others. Don’t touch, take, or abuse the property of others without their full consent.

If you are entrusted with someone's belongings, protect it as if it were your own. Don’t pass it on to others unless permitted to do so.

Don’t covet the property of others.

Don’t accept a possession that may have been swindled or stolen from others,

Warn others if you are aware that their property is in danger.

Don’t prevent others from using their own property, unless it will harm you or your property. If this use is temporary and not too disturbing, try to restrain yourself for the sake of good human and neighborly relationships.

If you borrow anything for temporary usage, make sure to return it on time.

If the agreed period for borrowing the item has expired and you still need it, ask for an extension and offer appropriate payment.

If the item borrowed has commercial value, insist on appropriate remuneration.

A person, who has been entrusted with securities as collateral for a loan, should protect it as though it was their own, and do nothing to endanger it.

Any asset being given to you in trust belongs solely to its owner, and should not be used or put at risk without the explicit consent from the owner. Being a trustee holds you in commitment to the owner.


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