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Mercy and Compassion

You should always ask yourself whether a suffering person is in need of mercy and compassion, whether they it worthy of it, and whether can you assist them under these circumstances. If the answer to any of these questions is positive, it is only proper for you to give the required assistance.

A person in the middle of a personal crisis cannot properly look after themselves. That person becomes dependent on others, and may lose their dignity and independence. Any moral person, who encounters a person in need of mercy, should find some favorable points that make them worthy of mercy and compassion.

Unfortunately, the legal system deals in generalities and not in specifics. Uniform implementation of the law sometimes leads to unfair and unjust results in some cases. These cases should be judged leniently and be afforded mercy and compassion.

Every person has some good qualities. The most evil criminal may be a product of harsh circumstances. So when the times come, they are entitled to be dealt with compassion and be judged favorably.

Mercy does not absolve a person from being accounted for their bad deeds, and does not allow them to continue in their evil ways. Mercy and compassion should go hand in hand with rehabilitative and corrective programs.


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