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Assisting the Needy

It is a moral duty and a great privilege to assist those who are needy and are not able to take care of themselves.

A moral person would not remain indifferent to the suffering of others.

A moral person would assist the needy as best as possible while protecting their dignity and privacy. Giving a helping hand is not always measured materially, it also includes spiritual aid.

In cases of prolonged distress, several extended and modest charities are preferable to a single one.

Even a person who is in a difficult situation can find a way to assist others in a worse situation.

A moral person who assists the needy does so without expecting the needy to feel grateful.

Always give preference to needy people in your family or community.

Do the best you can to help yourself, so that you would not find yourself in a position of needing charity from others.

If you are a farmer, leave some harvest pickings in your fields for the use of the hungry.

Don't reject a plea for charity. You can never be sure if the person asking for charity is really needy or an impersonator. Try to give them the minimum you can, and don't send them away empty-handed.

If you are aware of someone who is needy who is not being assisted, try to help the person out as best as you can, and inform the proper authorities.

Do the best you can to volunteer for the benefit of your community and especially the needy.

Don’t throw away anything that might come in useful for the needy. Donate articles that are of no use to you to charitable organizations.

Food, bed, and clothes are basic necessities to people, and should be give precedence.


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